Donnerstag, 17. August 2017

American Myth Collapses

The Collapse of the American Myth – 

an Opportunity for the Israeli Left

Israelis typically view the United States of America with awe, hope, but also arrogance as a friendly country that backs Israel through thick and thin, supports Jews and other minorities worldwide, leads the “free world” and serves as a bulwark in pursuit of freedom, justice and prosperity.
But as many realize, this idealization is a result of propaganda. Not only does the US fail to hold up to that fantasy, it is the exact opposite: a dystopic, capitalist, conservative empire, which is chauvinistic and racist, chokes its own civilians and leads the world in exporting misery, violence, exploitation and corruption.
The American dystopia currently threatens what little remains of democracy and decency within it: the public sector is on a perpetual diet and about to starve, health care is a privatized mess, public education is deteriorating, now on overdrive under Betsy DeVos, fascism is present both in the streets and in the White Housethe military and police keep expanding at the expense of the commons, inequality is the worst in the industrialized world and independent and leftist media are silenced and repressed.

Read more at COUNTERPUNCH 


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