Dienstag, 1. September 2015

Buchempfehlung: The Mind-Reader by Richard Wilbur

Das schmale Bändchen erschien zuerst in den USA 1976 und danach in Großbritannien 1977.

Es liegt in unserer Bibliothek auf. 

Richard Purdy Wilbur (born March 1, 1921) is an American poet and literary translator. He was appointed the second Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress in 1987, and twice received the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, in 1957 and again in 1989.


Hier einige Links:

Poetry Foundation
Richard Wilbur talks about his translation of Mallarme's "The Tomb of Edgar Poe."

Prose from Poetry Magazine
Citizen Poet
by Phyllis Rose
Collected Poems 1943-2004, by Richard Wilbur. Harcourt. $35.00.

A Certain Logic. An interview with Richard Wilbur by Peter Davison,
The Atlantic online, Poetry Pages, Sept. 9, 1999

Richard Wilbur, The Art of Poetry No. 22
Interviewed by Helen McCloy Ellison, Ellesa Clay High, Peter A. Stitt
Paris Review, No. 22

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